TUI at a glance
More than
underlying EBITA growth - for the fourth consecutive year
(based on constant currency)
3 Reason to invest in TUI
- Global leading tourism group
- Holiday product provider with own distribution
- Own customer end-to end: Markets & Airlines, Hotels, Cruises, Destination Experiences
- Individualisation and targeted marketing
- Yielding of own products
- Risk mitigation by double divserification
- Global leisure travel market growing above GDP
- Strong track record driven by merger synergies:
- Underlying EBITA CAGR of 13%1 since merger
- Underlying EPS CAGR of 16% since merger
- Future growth supported by digitalisation benefits and by reinvesting disposal proceeds
- Reiterate at least 10% CAGR in underlying EBITA for the three years to FY202
1Underlying EBITA CAGR of 10% since merger / average CARG of 13% since merger at constant currency (company earnings guidance is a t constant currency)
2Based on constant currency growth, three year CAGR from FY17 base to FY20
- 23% group ROIC FY18, significantly above cost of capital
- Strong operating cash conversion, enabling to fund
- investments
- high cash returns to shareholders in form of dividends
- balance sheet stability